Leak and underground monitoring capability now available to Sensus customers!

By on Jan 12, 2011 in News |

Sensus customers can now locate leaks and monitor your underground system using existing Sensus AMR Radio Read or Flexnet infrastructure. Sensus has just partnered with PERMALOG to give you this opportunity at advanced leak locating technology. Simply attach the Permalog Sensor to your Sensus AMR End Point and begin collecting the data with your existing meter reading system. Please see the attached notice and contact Putnam Pipe for more details

New IPEX Pipe Strong and Dependable

By on Jan 12, 2011 in News |

There is a water main break every hour of the day, somewhere in our country. Our infrastructure is old, outdated, undersized and continues to wreak havoc on our cities and towns. Check out www.waternewsupdate.com and you’ll see examples of the problems occurring in this country. These breaks disrupt our lives, businesses, the quality of our water, and can even become deadly. Those of us in the waterworks industry are responsible for solving this problem. It’s too big of a problem to ignore any longer. One company, IPEX, is not ignoring our infrastructure problems and has done something to help solve the problem. They have produced a new type of pipe, Bionax, which is designed to have the strengths associated with Ductile Iron, with the many design features associated with PVC-including: Lightweight and Ease of Handling Reduced Maintenance and Pumping Costs Manufacturing...